Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Prisoners of War (חטופ'ם) Season One

  (סיום) פרק עשר
מצב שיקר על הצבא. הוא לא רוצה להצטרף. מצב לא רוצה לה'חטף. דנה הרופא חופס אותו בחדר שלבנן שלו. אין לה בושה. חצב עובה את הבית וטילה מודאגת. נויות דברה עם יקי על אורי. היא דברה יקי מתלבל. אורי דיבר עם איריס. היא וחייק רצו לתפוס את אורי ונורית. יעק ואילן קרובים. היא לאר יכולה לראות את אחיה. פרק זה היה מאוד דרמטי. עמ אלחי. אני לא חובת שהוא היה. אני רוצא העונה השניה. אני רוצה לדעת אם עמיעל יחזור.הביתה עם איסמעיל, אואם הוא איש רע!   

Episode Ten (Season Finale) 
Hatzvah lied about his military tryouts and he does not want to join the IDF.  His sister Dana has no shame.  She is having relationship with her psychologist’s son, and while in her doctor’s, he catches her half-naked in his son’s bed. 

When Talia finds out that Hatzvah has been lying to her about his military training, he runs off and does not return home for the night. 

Uri and Nurit’s relationship has become less stressful, in a sense.  She tells Yaki about her feeling towards Uri and that she believes that Uri is the one for here.  Uri finally talks to Iris about his thoughts of her.

Yael and Ilan have grown closer and now are dating, but she’s heartbroken because she can no longer see her brother in her head.

This episode was dramatic to say in the least but now I know that Ami is alive and he is a bad man.  I wish that I was able to see season two!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Prisoners of War (חטופ'ם) Season One

פרק תשע
דנה צר'כה עזרה. היא רעהו. הרופא שלה לא 'כול לעזור לה. היא שוכבת מדי ויש להבעיה רצינית! נמרוד לא רןצה לפגוש אנשים על הבעיות שלו. טליה דיברה אל האנשים. היא פגשה חברה חדשה ושתיתה קפה איתה. אורי יודע על איריס. איריס רוצה לדבר עם ואורי עם עבודתה, אבל היא לא. אורי ונורית אוהבים אחד את השני. נורית לא רוצה לדבר עם יקי, אבל היא צריכה. יוחר מאוחר בפרק, נמרוד רואה אישה. היא יודעת שלאמא שלה יש סוד.
Episode Nine 
Dana needs help and her doctor may not be able to help her.  She continues to lie in her sessions.

Talia wants Nimrod to speak to a self-help group, so he doesn’t feel alone.  He’s not ready to share his feelings and he doesn’t believe that he is suffering from anything.  When he and Talia do agree to meet for the group therapy, he tells her that this is not what he wants, and he leaves her.  Talia stays and meets with one of the group members for coffee.

Uri finds out that Iris and he no longer wants to talk to her or about her job.  He realized that he and Nurit are in love.  She does not want to speak to Yaki about her love for Uri but she knows it needs to happen.  

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Prisoners of War (חטופ'ם) Season One

פרק שמונה
נמרוד ואורי חוזרים אל העיר. הם הולרים לבר מצווה של אסף. טליה מדברת עם נמרוד והוא נשאיר. בבית הם מדברים עליו ואורי.נמרוד ואורי פגשו איש והאיש רצה כסף. נמרוד ואורי עזבו והלכו בעקבות האיש הביתה. הם פגשו אישה. היא לא אוהבת יהודים והיא לא מדברת  איתם. היא מכירה את גימאל. נמרוד יודע.
Episode Eight 
Nimrod and Uri return to the city and walk in during Assaf’s Bar Mitzvah.  Seeing Nimrod walk in, Talia urges Nimrod to speak to her.  Nimrod refuses to speak to Talia about his whereabouts and leaves the event.

[Before the Bar Mitzvah]

Nimrod and Uri met a man who asked them for money.  Not knowing who the man was, and the man mistaking them foe someone else, he asks Uri and Nimrod to leave his place of business.  As they walk back to their car, they see the man leaving the car garage and they follow him to his mother’s home.

Nimrod and Uri go into the woman’s home and ask her questions.  She realizes who they are and does not acknowledge them.  The woman does not like Jews and does not associate with them in any way, shape, or form.  Nimrod believes the woman knows Jamaal and she does.  

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Prisoners of War (חטופ'ם) Season One

פרק שבע

חצב מלמד אבל להשתחת במחשב. הוא מחפש את גימאל. אילן אוהב את יעם. נורית חושבת על אורי ויקי יודע. יעל חושבת על מכירת הבית. היא היתה ביבת החולים וחושבת שעמי קרא לעזרה. אורי ואיריס קרובים. נמרוד רוצה עוד עבודה, אבל עופר אומר לו לא. נמרוד צריך לחכות. נמרוד ואורי עוזבים את העיר לחפש את גימאל.

Episode Seven
Hatzah (Nimrod’s son), teaches Nimrod how to use a computer to look for Jamaal. Nurit is conflicted with her feelings for her husband Yaki and Uri.

Yael wants to sell her home to escape her thoughts of Amiel.  She overdoses on pills and ends up in a hospital.  Ilan visits her and she wonders who called for an ambulance, because she did not. 

Uri and Iris are getting closer, and Nimrod is on a mission.  He wants more responsibility at the advertising company he works for, but his colleague Ofer tells him no.

Uri and Nimrod leave the city to look for Jamaal. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Prisoners of War (חטופ'ם) Season One

פרק שש
בפררק שש, נתרוד מבקש מטיה כסף. הוא לא אוהב לבקש כסף. נמרוד מקבל עבודה, אבל טליה כועסת. הוא לא דיבר עם טליה עם עבודה עם חבריו. ישלדנה תור אצר פסיכולוג. היא אוהבת אותו והיא עוקבת אחריו. איריס מרגלת אחרי אור'. אורי חושב שנורית ואיריס מקנאמכי היא אוהבת אותו. יוסף רוצה אורי לחיות. אסף הזין את אורי למסבתו.
Episode Six 
In episode six we see how Nimrod’s attitude starts to reflect his feeling s with his wife Talia.  Nimrod wants to be more independent, but Talia wants to establish a relationship where he can depend on her for everything. One day Nimrod and Talia go to a coffee shop, Nimrod offers to pay but forgets that he gave his money away.  He asks Talia for money and she questions where the money she gave him went.

Nimrod despises asking Talia for money, and he winds up getting a job.  He doesn’t talk to Talia about it.  Their daughter Dana is seeing a psychologist for her problems and she soon finds herself stalking him.

Iris (a character who works for Dr. Haim) is spying on Uri.  Uri begins to have feeling for her and he meets his nephew Assaf who is Yaki and Nurit’s son.  Assaf invites Uri to his Bar Mitzvah.  

Prisoners of War (חטופ'ם)

Prisoners of War is an Israeli television show about three soldiers captured in war.  They spend seventeen years in captivity before being released back to their homes and families in Israel.  I started watching the television show last year for my third semester Modern Hebrew class, and I continued to watch it for this semester.  I found out that the American television show Homeland was based off of Prisoners of War.  The television show can be watched on Hulu.

If you like television shows that are suspenseful and dramatic, then I would highly recommend Prisoners of War.

Every entry for this television show will be in Hebrew.  The entries start from season one episode six to season two.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Growth Mindset: What is it and Establishing Patience

In the beginning of the semester I learned about The Growth Mindset and I would like to incorporate this into this blog.  My professor in my India and Epics class suggested the students to try this out so we can track our progress over these next few months. 

The Growth Mindset was developed by Carol Dweck and it’s to challenge the basic mindset that people have set for themselves.  I have things that I personally need to work on to motivate me for this semester and this seems like a good method.

This semester I am going to work on improving my Hebrew, but understanding my personal limits.  I tend to pressure myself to intake a lot of information at once instead of pacing myself while I learn the language. I then blame myself for not learning all that I believe that I am capable of.  I understand that a language cannot be learned overnight and there isn't a easy way to learn one hundred vocabulary words in half a weeks time. I still have plenty to catch up on since last semester, and I continuously review my work from past semesters.  Because of this, and I end up mixing up information from old handout with handouts that have recently been distributed in class.

I'm going to get through this and pace myself! There's no room for failure, just greatness.