Monday, February 22, 2016

Beginning Hebrew

During my first two semesters of Modern Hebrew I used Youtube viand online textbooks to supplement the textbook that I was learning from. One of my favorite Youtube channels was "Learn Hebrew with".  There were new videos submitted twice a week and they helped. The videos went over everyday conversational words to phrases that one would need when asking for help.

I even went a step further and added the Traditional Hebrew music station to my Pandora.  The music was fine to listen to but it was very traditional , and Pandora played a lot of the songs over and over. So I stuck with listening to Matisyahu, which was cool since I was listening to his music before I started learning Modern Hebrew. I later found out that Miri Ben-Ari was Israeli, which is something I found interesting especially since she's featured in many hip-hop songs.

Advisory: Video contains adult language and content

Monday, February 15, 2016

Why Modern Hebrew?

This is my fourth semester in Hebrew and it is a struggle! It would be easy if I did my homework and reviewed the daily lesson, but I complicate things.

I find myself studying late and not functioning in class. Hebrew is not like any other language that I have studied. It requires more than just reviewing the vocabulary and grammar lessons.

For me, Hebrew is like math and poetry mixed.  There is different levels to this ish, but it is always rewarding when I understand what is being said in class and reading the language as it is being written on the blackboard.

This language is different and it is special to me.

זה הסמטר הרביעי שלי בעברית וקשה. זה יהיה קל אם עשיתי הבית שלי כליום ושיעורי סקירה, אבל אני מסבכת את העניינם.

אני לומד ולא מתפקצת בכיתה. עברית לא כמו שפות אחרות שלמדתי. צריך יוחר מאשר סקירה של אוצר המילים ועבודת הדקדוק.

עברית בשבילי הז כמו מתמטי קה ושירה. זה שונה ומכנים כאשר אתה מבין את הנאמר בכיתה.

.אני בחרתי עברית משום שהיוא שונה ומחדת לי

Monday, February 8, 2016

What is Modern Hebrew?

Modern Hebrew referred to as Hebrew or Israeli Hebrew, is the standard form of the Hebrew language that is spoken today.  There are roughly nine million native speakers in the language, and this number continues to grow.  Modern Hebrew should not be confused with Biblical Hebrew.  Biblical Hebrew is what is written in the Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament.  It is primarily used and studied by those in partake in religious studies.   Biblical Hebrew is limited in vocabulary in comparison to Modern Hebrew.

Hebrew Pod101: Modern Hebrew Vs. Biblical Hebrew

The differences between Modern Hebrew and Biblical Hebrew can be compared to English and Old English.  The modernized language is more useful when communicating to other people and can be studied for academically and non-academic reasons.

There are twenty-two letters in the Hebrew alphabet, and it is written from right to left.  Here is a video that goes over the "Aleph-Bet"

Monday, February 1, 2016



My name is Dijoun and as many of you know, I am a student at the University of Oklahoma.  This is my last semester at the university, and also the most important semester of my undergraduate career. This semester is not important because graduation is around the is important because this semester I am in nine hours of Modern Hebrew, and I will be traveling to Jerusalem very soon.

This blog is to document my progress in the language, and my experience studying abroad.  I will be immersed in the culture and language for a short period of time, but I hope to gain fluency and so much more!

My entries are as random as me, so I hope you'll enjoy them.


שמי Dijoun, ואני סטודנטית באניברסיטה של אקולהומה. זה הסמסטר האחרון שלי באניברסיטה, אבל הכי משוב שלי. זה לא משוב כי אני גומרת את הלימודיך. זה משוב כי זה סמסטר בו אני בתשא שעות של עברית, ואני אסע לירושלים בקרוב מאוד.
הבלוג שלי מספר על הכנקדמותי בשפה, והט'ול שלי. אני אהיה בתרבות ובשפה לזמן קצר, אבל אני מקווה להגיע לרהיטות.
.הבלוג שלי אקראי רמוני, זה מה שאני מקווה שתהנו מהם.

- Dijoun